
As a simple package manager, Appypi is used to install, remove, upgrade Pypi packages you may need. Here are the ways to do it.

Install a package

Easy peasy:

$ appypi install <package>

It may be a bit long the first time, as it constructs the package list. You can install multiple packages in one line, each one will be installed in an independant virtualenv:

$ appypi install <package1> <package2> ...

Of course, if you try to install a package that is not on Pypi, appypi will gently decline your proposition. Same thing, if you try to install a package that don’t have any launcher to be used with, like in a library, appypi will stop the installation. Unhappily, there is no way to know it before going far into the installation process.

Install a list of package

As with pip, you can use a requirements file to install many packages at once:

$ appypi install --requirements=requirements.txt

But contrary to pip, you can not specify the version of a package like django==1.4. You can not install stuff from git or any other VCS as well. Maybe one day...

Note that each package will be installed in an independant virtualenv. They can’t be installed in conjunction in a unique one.

Remove a package

Sad, but true:

$ appypi remove <package>

A confirmation for deletion is asked to the user. Again, you can remove multiple packages at the same time:

$ appypi remove <package1> <package2> ...

Upgrade a package

You guessed right:

$ appypi upgrade <package>

The given package is upgraded to the last version available on Pypi.

Upgrade all installed packages

Yes, it’s easy:

$ appypi upgrade

All packages are upgraded to their last versions available on Pypi.

Show information about a package

$ appypi show <package>

This prints details found on Pypi about the installed version of the package. The full description is printed, so it may be a bit verbose. For example, for the Projy package:

Package: Projy
Version: 0.2
Author: Stéphane Péchard
Summary: Projy is a template-based skeleton generator.

Description: Projy
**Projy is a template-based skeleton generator**.
In one command line, you can generate project skeletons
like Python packages, LaTeX document or any file structure
composed of directories and files.

Each file is generated by a different template.
It uses the simple core templating system from Python,
nothing fancy on that part. You can easily add new templates
and new ways to collect data to insert in the created files.
As much as possible, Projy tries to be simple to use and extend.

See [the complete documentation](

If you are familiar with Python, it is strongly suggested that you
install Projy in [virtualenv](

Pip and Distribute
If you are on Linux or Mac OS X, just type:

    $ sudo pip install projy

If no pip available, try ``easy_install``:

    $ sudo easy_install projy

Install from git
If you prefer git, that is ok too. You can get the very latest code at

    $ git clone

As an example, let's create a Python package. The Projy template mostly
follows recommendations from
[The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging](

A simple example
Use simply:

    $ projy PythonPackage TowelStuff

In the same directory as you typed this command, you now have a
*TowelStuff* directory, with the following structure:


Each file has been created with a specific template, so the package is
fully functional, yet empty. Now, let's give a little explanation
on each file. You can find [further
information here](

Specify substitutions
You can specify template substitutions directly from the command line.
Add them at the end of the previous example:

    $ projy PythonPackage TowelStuff "author,Emmett Brown" "date,1851-09-24"

Then the substitutes *author* and *date* (defaulted to the current day)
are defined by the given values, not those computed by Projy.
The format of such substitutions should be "key,value". Neither the
key or the value should therefore include a comma.
Leading and trailing spaces are removed from both key and value.

To know which substitutions can be overwritten this way, use the *-i*
option as described in the dedicated section. You can add substitutions
that are not listed with the *-i* but they won't have any effect if the
template file does not consider them.

Projy comes with some command line options. Type:

    $ projy -l

and you'll see the list of available templates in your installation.
That's an easy way to copy/paste the name of the template you want
to use next.


    $ projy -i PythonPackage

and you'll see the details of the Python package template. It shows
the created directories and files, with the substitutions included in
the template.

Available templates
The currently available templates are:

 * a [Fabric]( file ;
 * a [LaTeX]( book ;
 * a [Python]( package ;
 * a Python script ;
 * a [Projy]( template, meta-style.
 * a bootstrap file, to manage your virtualenv happiness ;

See the official doc for more details on created files into these
templates. Soon to come, more templates around Django. Of course,
anyone can propose some templates, they'll be integrated into Projy.

List installed packages


$ appypi list

The output shows the name, the version and the summary of every installed package. Here is an example output:

appypi - 4 installed packages
Name       - Version - Summary
Projy      - 0.2     - Projy is a template-based skeleton generator.
Fabric     - 1.5.0   - Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
subliminal - 0.6.2   - Subtitles, faster than your thoughts
Glances    - 1.5.1   - CLI curses-based monitoring tool

Update the local list of Pypi packages

You guessed right:

$ appypi update

Note that this update is forced programmatically every 7 days.